pilotable install::

Unzip CA25.zip and locate USS Salt Lake City,
and copy to FSX/simobjects/airplanes/
locate the effects folder
and copy all the .FX files inside to FSX/effects

AI install::
locate the CA25_AI folder
and copy to FSX/simobjects/Boats

......... if using the AICarriers2 addon
- find the directory you installed AICarriers in
- open the aicarriers.cfg file with noted
- add this formation replacing the X with the next available formation number

title=Heavy Cruiser WWII
unit.0=CA25_ai, 0, 0

Library object install::

a step by step guide for the Novice can be found at...

==> http://www.simviation.com/fsxaircraftinstall.htm

this model is the default FSX AI model made flyable


- Crisp,FPS friendly textures
- Very Stable with no "popping" at all speeds
- Hard deck for VTOL Ops

made pilotable for FSX ONLY by Bruce Fitzgerald
- fitzgeba@hotmail.com